If you want to advance to the next level in anything you do, you must consistently seek clarity on who you want to be, how you want to interact others, what you want, and what will bring you the most meaning. As every project or major initiative begins, you must ask questions such as:
- What kind of person do I want to be while I’m doing this?
- How should I treat others?
- What are my intentions and objectives?
- What can I focus on that will bring me a sense of connection and fulfillment?
My clients who succeed in getting to the next level not only ask these types of questions at the beginning of an endeavor but consistently throughout. They don’t just “get clarity” once and develop a vision that lasts forever, they consistently seek clarity again and again. This kind of self-monitoring is one of the hallmarks of their success.
I empower my clients to seek clarity by developing a habit of asking questions that look within (BE), observing their behaviors (LEARN), and assessing whether they’re on track (DO). Coaching helps you ask questions, try new things, sort through life’s opportunities, and sniff out what’s right for you. Clarity is developed through careful thought and mindful experimentation. It comes from asking yourself questions continually and further refining your perspective on life.
Why is clarity so important? Because it is closely associated with overall self-esteem. This means that how well you know yourself is tied to how positive you feel about yourself. On the flip side, lack of clarity is strongly associated with neuroticism and negative emotions. That’s why self-awareness is so key to initial success. You have to know who you are (BE), what your strengths and weaknesses are (LEARN), and where you want to go (DO). This kind of knowledge makes you feel better about yourself and about life.
Studies even show that having a clear and specific plan attached to your goals – knowing when and where you will do something – can more than double the likelihood of achieving a challenging goal. Having a clear plan is just as important as motivation and willpower: the more clarity you have, the more likely you are to get stuff done even on the days you feel lazy or tired. When you see the steps right in front of you, it’s hard to ignore them.
The more you identify with the following phrases, for example, the greater your confidence, overall happiness, and assertiveness:
- BEING: I know who I am. I’m clear about my values, strengths, and weaknesses.
- LEARNING: I know what I want. I’m clear about my goals and passions.
- DOING: I know how to get what I want. I have a plan to achieve my dreams.
Not everyone has this kind of self-knowledge yet, so when my clients are lacking in the clarity arena, I ask them to consider the following questions:
- Which things are you absolutely clear about that help perform better than your peers?
- What do you focus on to stay clear about what matters most?
- What aren’t you clear about, and how does that affect performance?
- What do you do when you are feeling uncertain or undirected?
- If you had to explain to someone you were mentoring what it is that makes you successful, what would you say?
- What else do you know about yourself – beyond your values and strengths and plans – that makes you successful?
So, where are you on the road to clarity? Do you know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go? We’re all at different stages and on different paths, but that doesn’t mean that we have to do it alone. Let me know, how can I support you on your journey?